Friday, December 30, 2011

Time to get cracking.

This morning, I thought  I would make pancakes because it's a new experience, which are almost always fun, and we ran out of bagels. They didn't come out that great, because I used baking soda instead of baking powder, but my brother managed to finish his stack of three. I couldn't go through one pancake though, because me and my cooking of sweets don't go together well. I drizzled the pancakes with honey, put a dollop of cream cheese and arranged sliced kiwifruit.
New Year's Eve is tomorrow and I still have to come up with one resolution that I will stick with. What should it be? Staying on track, specifically with homework? Hmm. One thing's for sure, I need to complete my English assignment book and complete my Humanities essay! Uh oh, is that a separate tab you see with a Skins episode? I pretty much know that I won't get things done. Time flies and stops for no one, and few conquer.
x Yam

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