Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve.

I think my New Year's Resolution is to eat sensibly--I won't be stuffing my face any longer with junk food. Right now I am currently 5'4 or 164 inches and about 115 pounds. I would love to be 100 pounds, or at least until my legs stop looking like oak tree stumps and more like branches lool. This morning, I made a cream cheese and strawberry sandwich and I have like a love-hate relationship with it. Not sure why, but I'm sure that I detest twizzlers yeck. 
Impressively, I didn't snack all day, but I think it's because I was lounging all day in my bedroom where there isn't a snack cupboard. I forced myself to lie down on my bed and finish the be damned book for English, and while I was reading it, I spotted an inappropriate line: "Her friendly nipples jiggled" and I thought two things; what the fuck is up with English teachers and the books they choose for students to read (believe we are mature enough before advancing to psychopaths in Shakespearean literature?) and what is wrong with the tendency for adult fiction writers to include irrelevant descriptions of sexual innuendos? Like Stephen King was totally out of context in the ending of The Stand where he described the woman with, if I remember correctly, pert nipples as pink as sunsets. Maybe they find it artistic or whatever, but I'm only moved by how a artists focus on depicting human anatomy, and it fit, not some horny writer trying to insert his fantasies in there... You can be vivid, but too vivid is bleh offensive and odd.
By accident, I texted my brother that line and a condensed version of the rant, and it was so embarrassing! To sort of cover up, I texted him asking him to bring home Sour Patch Kids. I don't know how that compensates, but it does and now I am going to be devouring the candy he brings home. He owes me after getting him a Lush Christmas Eve bubble bar and he didn't give me anything back. Oh well, I also asked him to get me a lotion or bubble bar from Lush for my birthday, and he agreed yay.
I was absolutely famished by dinnertime and I ate more than I would regularly eat for dinner, but I think it's because I wasn't drowning in Pocky sticks y'know. I was watching Skins and I finished the third season. I don't know if I want to watch the fourth season, because it's the most depressing out of all the other seasons methinks. I was skipping around the episodes to catch glimpses of what would happen, and Effy is in therapy with a crazy fuck, that crazy fuck kills Freddie, and umm I'm sure something happened with Naomi and Emily, but I forgot what. I just wanted to leave with the image of a happy lesbihonest couple in mind. It doesn't matter anyway, because the sixth season of Skins as well as another season of Switched At Birth is coming up, all in the month of January.
I'm not really the type to be like "Yay New Year let's start over yeah" because it's just another change of year to me, and the New Year isn't going to be that fabtabulous. Maybe the perks coming soon is getting the basement floor to myself, because my brother's going to college, new episodes of the shows I love, and my friends coming over to celebrate my birthday. We're thinking about watching another scary movie together and filming us doing Truth or Dare. But my family is currently in a tight spot, because my mom is paying for her school studies and my brother's college applications, so I'm undecided on what to get for my birthday. I was thinking about room decor to personalize my brother's bedroom which will soon be mine. It's smaller than mine, it's cooler and I don't cope well with the cold, and there are spiders everywhere, but the perks I guess is having my own bathroom and that big room between the bed and bath. A possible birthday gift wish would be a wicked frame of insects with a face pattern on their exoskeleton, I dunno. I just know that I have to go wash the dishes, take a shower, and finish the rest of my homework. Possibly study and aim for a seven in science.   One New Year's resolution that's going well for me at the moment, or better, is wearing my retainers haha.
x Yam

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