Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Done with hw!

Yayyy! I had to clap for myself in self-congratulation because I'm done with my homework for the day! I am finally on task with what I need to complete over the winter break. I made a mini schedule for me, and so far it's helped me profusely with staying on track.
I saw this image on tumblr and it made my mom and I laugh. :) "What's that? Chicken with bear?"
So for some reason, I cannot get this classmate out of my head who is a really negative being who I want nothing to do with. Usually I confront people who boggle me, but I think I'm going to let this sidle away because she's a blabber mouth who loves to gossip, so she would jump at an opportunity to talk about me... Long story short, she had a charm attached to her usb that looked like a swastika, and apparently it wasn't, got into a fit, called me and some boys retards, and I had to beg at her feet to forgive me on the walk home from technology class. I'm planning to give her the cold shoulder for the rest of the school year, because you know Capricorns and their grudges. We only forgive people who we truly care about, and she is one bugger who doesn't care about anyone but herself and the idols she looks up to. Everyone else, she looks down on.
It seems like everywhere I go, there are people like her. Us folks need to stay strong and not bend to the currents and become one of them. I shall go off to bed soon after I take a nice shower and contemplate things. Oh and play some Restaurant Story maybe.
x Yam

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