Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New pair of boots.

As I was getting out of the shower, I was thinking how silly it is that I work really hard in school and strive to get good grades while I'm not going to be like a neuron scientist when I grow up, I want to be an actress or a model. The thing is that my acting is crap unless I'm doing a British accent, and I can't model because I'm a midget at 5'4. I finished with my Humanities homework, and all that is left for today is reading 35 pages of Follow my Tears, the Policeman said, and I am really not looking forward to it. I would rather read The Night Circus or the second book of the Hunger Games. I can name a lot more books I need to catch up on reading, but this is an English assignment that I have to get done. I'm the paranoid type that can't use Sparknotes anyway, because I feel like I might be quizzed on minor details in the book that a book guide would otherwise leave out.
My mom came home and I think I annoyed her by how chipper I was, because she's only happy when I'm sullen and when I'm chipper like now she is pissed off. Well she can't help but be peeved by how I was shoving the cookies in her face and everything, I really wanted her to try some of these confections that just in the nick of time, hardened to stones. To that, I wonder if the Chips Ahoy chewy chocolate chip oatmeal cookies are chock full of preservatives or something of that matter, because how do they stay so darn chewy?
That's the nice Timberland pair of boots that could be labelled as my 'Christmas present,' even though my whole family is atheist and we shouldn't be celebrating the birth of Jesus. Oh well, my birthday is coming soon in January and I don't know what to get. I can't ask for anything astronomically expensive, because the odd thing about my family is we get gifts and lavishing dinners and vacations randomly, yet rarely on time like on holidays do we have anything special. For example, one Sunday we would be having lobster and such and for this Christmas dinner we had the usual.
There's my single sock and pajamas as I shove one boot on. It's classic effort, mate. I've always said that the small things are what make me happy, but today is sort of a shit day, because every day short of perfect or fantastic is shit to me. The essay that is due soon exceeded the word limit of 1,300 and I think by the time I am done writing it, I will be by 2,000 words easy. So I pushed the science homework assignment to Sunday to do, which sort of aggravates me because I was planing to do it today but I strayed off of task as usual. Also, I need to plan a separate day to rewrite my whole essay... on an optimistic note, it's more of a revision, but I still have much to do. Busy busy busy. I always thought the school breaks are just like a mini take-home version of school.
x Yam

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