Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I baked cookies.

Usually what I bake turns out to be a disaster, so I'm too afraid to eat my own baked goods. But with the addition of chocolate chips, who knew they could make such a difference? I went to Walgreens and bought them along with light brown sugar, and when I was walking home, I was acting really paranoid... I don't really live in a completely safe neighborhood, because I do spot some shady characters here and there, mixed with some people who have sizable amounts of money. I ran to my door and double-locked it, then laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.
The recipe I looked up online had oil as a butter substitute, because butter is a bit expensive and the ingredients are all bought with my own allowance. I skipped on the vanilla extract and I didn't have any vegetable oil, so I used peanut oil instead, which gave the cookies a bit of a nutty flavor. I'm glad I didn't use corn oil like last time for the sugar cookies I made for school, because it tasted off. When I poured all the chocolate chips called for in the recipe, there was like a 2:1 ratio of chocolate chips to actual cookie dough. In fact, there were ten chocolate chips left in the bowl. Nooo I bet they were upset that they couldn't fulfill their role in the universe. They went into the trash because tsk tsk, everyone knows you can't eat raw cookie dough...
However I am guilty of using the five second rule, because when I used makeshift oven mittens, which was actually a dish rag wet with cold water, it was scathingly hot and I couldn't place it onto the counter right away, since there were some bowls and crap in the way. I ended up dropping the tray onto the floor, and the whole batch went astray. I couldn't save the crumbly ones that broke apart, but I managed to save like three or four that were still composed. Phew. I won't be telling my family that they fell though...shh. I'm sure the hot cookies will burn off some germs or something, because they certainty gave me a minor burn, just to my luck, next to the permanent scar I got some years ago when I was cutting a melon. I tried a cookie and it was crispy on the outside and chewy on in the inside, not to mention they look soft and fluffy, not flat at all. Take that butter! I'm proud of myself with these, and they reminded me of   McDonald's cookies.
My friend just texted me asking about the Humanities homework due, and I thought we only had to work on the essay, and even that was optional. So I'm a bit dejected from the ecstatic moment of joy I had earlier, since it adds to the amount of homework I have to get done by tonight. Then I remembered that I might be getting new boots today, because Macy's was having a sale on this Timberland pair my mom and I were looking at before, but it was a little more than we can buy straight away. Again, it's the small things that end up with uplifting my mood. 
x Yam

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