Monday, January 2, 2012

Determined to do well.

I am determined to do well in chemistry. I have an A+ in math and an A in biology, yet last year I barely passed physics. It has to do something with the memorization, because I don't really study and I'm prone to procrastination. This time, I'm determined to do well. My brother did well in chemistry/physics, so why can't I? I just have to put more effort into my studying, concentrate better in class, and make connections. I'm reading my biology text book and I'm already making a connection. I'm reading about how dehydration occurs when a monomer is added to a polymer chain and water molecules are released, so I hypothesize that during the process of heating, monomers are added to polymer chains because of the water released during heating. I thank all the microwaving incidents I have to this knowledge. I think I learn best by connecting to prior knowledge, like activating schema. Sadly, I can't connect any prior knowledge to valence molecules and stuff. 

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