Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cupcake mask.

Today's such a nice day, but in the morning time, my dad was re-heating my brother's cup of milk and oats, and he forgot to turn the stove off when he left for work. When I was upstairs, I kept on thinking, "What's that burnt smell?" and assumed it was a burnt bagel or something minor from a toaster. When I opened my bedroom door, and saw how smoggy everything was, the light coming from windows were so opaque. Hurried downstairs, looked into the black pot of goo, and soaked it with water because my mom still wants to save it! I decided that I am no longer doing A and B day homework over the weekends, I'm just going to do whatever homework is due on Monday.
P.S. I was stressed over the math quiz coming up as well as the Spanish quiz and the high school results coming in Febuarary, so my skin became irritated and I felt some pre-pimples popping. I wore the Lush cupcake mask quite liberally, just because it's also expiring in two days oh no!

Btw, the pins of my cushions (if you get what I mean) are itching, so it must be the dry (but gorgeous Spring-like) weather, or it could be, be still my heart, that my tiny cushions are actually growing! 
x Yam

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