Monday, January 16, 2012

Haven't updated in so long!

So here are the highlights:
-My computer might be broken! On the plus side, might be getting a new desktop that my brother's friend is going to make! Wow, nerd. Awesomesauce!
-My birthday was three days ago. Turned 14! Just one year over half a decade until I turn 20... The thought is nerve-wracking, how time flies so fast!
-Spent the birthday with close friends Eunice and Kathy.Went to Main Street, window shopped, ate ramen, went home, watched The Ring 2 together because we watched The Ring last time, baked cookies that weren't as good as the first time I made them, but they were okay, filmed a music video to Wednesday's Child by Vermillion Lies!
-Got an HD camera for my birthday, called Sony Cyber-shot Wx9 for a discount, a little over two hundred bucks
-Got a hair bow from Kathy and a handmade bracelet and candle from Eunice
-Got $50 from my dad, the first time he ever gave me anything, because he's always saying how the presents Mom gives me is like also from him
-Did not get anything from Mahaut even though I gave her good presents from her birthday party, she said she was going to get me something on Tuesday, when we return back to school from the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. It better be good. :(
-Had a good Paris Bageuate cake.
-Got a Lush Cosmetics present from my brother. What should I get him for his birthday? I was thinking of spiking gel, but he said he doesn't want that. Maybe something from Lush again? Hopefully I'll be able to shop for him on the day before spring break with my gals.
-Can't wait for the Switched At Birth episode tomorrow. I don't really know what to say about the mini Skin episodes from season 6 I watched yesterday. I guess I expected something more... I loved Mini though. And Alo.
-I managed to finish two major projects, all homework due tomorrow, and some of the homework due the day after tomorrow. I wanted to finish  my English homework, but I guess I could quickly do that tomorrow. When I get home, I'm going to go straight to the shower and snack and watch Youtube videos for a bit, maybe approx. 30 minutes, then I'll give a time limit to when I should be done with English homework. Two hours tops. So, I should be done with everything by 6:30 or 7. Hmm. I want to dedicate a lot of time tomorrow studying for science. I want to stay on top! Oh, on silly ole math. Maybe. I'm sure I got one question, at least, wrong on it, and that wouldn't bother me so much...if I did the extra credit! Why didn't he announce it to the whole class? Damn, I could've gotten a point extra. Sigh, I want to keep my 98% average or at least get higher! I hope my grades stay unaffected...or benefit? Couldn't be, there were only a few questions that weighed heavily each.
-OMG! I just checked my engrade and I got a 91%! I know that makes me seem like less of a nerd, but at my school that's really good, because that's a 6/7 on a scale.  A 6 translates to very good! You know what I wished for when I blew out my birthday cake candles! For all sevens, but a six in SPANISH when I'm not even Hispanic is still VERY GOOD! And a 6, literally, again, is VERY GOOD! AHHH! I'VE BEEN STUCK IN THE FIVES FOR SO LONG. Just like 4% or 5% away before I land myself a seven, but I don't want to get my hopes up tooo high, we have to submit the brochure tomorrow and I didn't get her to proofread, and also there's a blank in a periodic assessment grade,  and I hope I did well on that--or I will do well--because I'm not sure if I took it yet.
Well anyway I'm going to be bringing the homework assignments I don't think she graded yet because I don't bring my Spanish binder to school, hah! It takes up too much space in my small North Face day-pack! 
-I'm going to go take a shower with the Lush soap my brother gave me, and just study until 10:30pm or so. Test results are coming soon and I don't know if I got into the school I put first, but I don't know if I want to, anyway. That school's too competitive. My brother goes to that school and he's graduating next year. He's very smart in areas I'm not, like chemistry and math,  yet he struggles to stay atop. He barely made it alive out of that zoo with a 95% or so. It's survival of the fittest, with the fittest brains!! My school's only a few ranks away from that school, yet it's small and does not have many clubs I'm interested in and I'm tired of having to go to lockers in the classrooms and the teachers are kicking us out if we spend too long... But I've had like a small beacon of hope for my school ever since I found out someone from this school went to Brown University. I'll just have to study hard and be unique like her.
-I still have plenty of time to clean up my act. My New Year's Resolution will start tomorrow, I think... Do all of my homework, STUDY, and reward myself with Switched At Birth! And eat right! I'm starting to grow a little stomache pooch. I want to 'exercise' too, which is... basically walking to Walgreens and staring at all the stuff I won't buy, then walking back home. 
-I might be still growing, because I grew like a few centimeters taller! Still need to catch up to my mom. I'm a model hopeful. Want to be... at least five foot and seven inches! 
-I want to personalize my bedroom! The whole house!
-Is this what it feels like to be a hormonal teenager?!

x Yam

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cupcake mask.

Today's such a nice day, but in the morning time, my dad was re-heating my brother's cup of milk and oats, and he forgot to turn the stove off when he left for work. When I was upstairs, I kept on thinking, "What's that burnt smell?" and assumed it was a burnt bagel or something minor from a toaster. When I opened my bedroom door, and saw how smoggy everything was, the light coming from windows were so opaque. Hurried downstairs, looked into the black pot of goo, and soaked it with water because my mom still wants to save it! I decided that I am no longer doing A and B day homework over the weekends, I'm just going to do whatever homework is due on Monday.
P.S. I was stressed over the math quiz coming up as well as the Spanish quiz and the high school results coming in Febuarary, so my skin became irritated and I felt some pre-pimples popping. I wore the Lush cupcake mask quite liberally, just because it's also expiring in two days oh no!

Btw, the pins of my cushions (if you get what I mean) are itching, so it must be the dry (but gorgeous Spring-like) weather, or it could be, be still my heart, that my tiny cushions are actually growing! 
x Yam

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Haven't updated.

I haven't updated yesterday, since lately I've been very busy with homework. My New Years Resolution was to complete homework early and then be able to have my free time at the end, and it worked out okay yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, my mom took me to a herbal doctor to cure my irregular period lool. The herbal doctor inspected my wrists and knew off the bat that I had insomnia and an irregular period. There were tons of storage cabinets that looked a bit dusty or dirty, eww, and he filled bags with a bit of this and that with the herbs. I could have sworn I saw some pebbles, so he charges 70 dollars for this 'remedy' that he might have picked up from a random forest. My mom made tea out of them and it tastes absolutely vile by the way, and I can try to describe it as something as better as pills combined with bitter vegetables.
At school, I planned my birthday 'party' event with two friends of mine, and something really embarrassing happened in technology class today! I voice-acted a bit too enthusiastically in a game we had to create, and a douche bag who sat at my table began playing it for the whole class to hear. Everyone was silent and I wasn't teased, but I was still very embarrassed and I hate him for doing that to me. I'm de-friending him on Facebook lol. I hope one British girl in my class wasn't offended, because I was trying to mimic British accents somehow. Sigh, I'm always embarrassed one way or the other. Like in Spanish class, the teacher asked me a question I was completely befuddled with, and she in no way tried to clarify. It makes me regret participating in class earlier in the semester, because now she knows my name. She only calls on like a select few, maybe six or seven, out of the thirty in my class, and that is completely unfair to the shy folks who skid away not looking like us idiots. One good thing that happened at school, I guess, is bumping in the hallway with a good looking guy I saw before. He had really nice hair, lol. I didn't really bump into him, just had difficulty maneuvering around him! Ah well, I'm getting rid of all my crushes because they're all stupid, a waste of my time, and I always fall for the unattainable people.
Just now, there was this man who looked like he was from Con-Edison, and he was carrying a clip or something with paper, and he asked if I was the one in the household who managed the energy bill. I call my dad over, and he frightens the man away because I could firsthand tell he was intimidated, kept on calling my dad 'sir' and when my dad said, "No, fuck no don't want" and slammed the screen door in his face, I thought that it was peculiar that a Con-Edison man was working so late into the night anyway.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Determined to do well.

I am determined to do well in chemistry. I have an A+ in math and an A in biology, yet last year I barely passed physics. It has to do something with the memorization, because I don't really study and I'm prone to procrastination. This time, I'm determined to do well. My brother did well in chemistry/physics, so why can't I? I just have to put more effort into my studying, concentrate better in class, and make connections. I'm reading my biology text book and I'm already making a connection. I'm reading about how dehydration occurs when a monomer is added to a polymer chain and water molecules are released, so I hypothesize that during the process of heating, monomers are added to polymer chains because of the water released during heating. I thank all the microwaving incidents I have to this knowledge. I think I learn best by connecting to prior knowledge, like activating schema. Sadly, I can't connect any prior knowledge to valence molecules and stuff.